Update Announcement
The Private Motor Truck Council of Canada (PMTC) and Ontario Truck Driving School (OTDS) have announced an extension to the date to submit your Benchmarking results. The COVID-19 pandemic, and its affect on our day-to-day lives and business requirements, has been dramatic and all encompassing.
As a result, the amount of submissions we normally receive for this survey has decreased significantly. Since the PMTC Annual Conference has been moved from June to September, and the result of this report is presented at our conference, we are able to extend the deadline for people to complete and submit the Benchmarking data to us. The new date to submit this data is July 15, 2020. We hope you will be able to find the time to contribute to this very valuable tool. For more details, please see the original press release below, with updated dates and information.
Original News Release
The Private Motor Truck Council of Canada and new Benchmark Sponsor, Ontario Truck Driving School, have announced that the fourth annual PMTC Canadian Private Fleet Benchmarking Survey Instrument is live as of February 3. This study is open for completion by all Private Fleets that have a base of operations in Canada. PMTC membership is not a requirement.
“For the last three years, the PMTC has partnered with the National Private Truck Council (NPTC) and re-introduced the first Canadian-specific private Benchmarking Survey reports since 2011,” remarked PMTC President Mike Millian. “The response to these surveys and the quality of the Benchmarking report produced have been gratifying and provide a valuable tool and resource to our membership. As a result, we are once again partnering with the NPTC for the 2020 Survey. The NPTC has been producing a private fleet benchmark survey in the USA, annually since 2005, and by partnering with them again the PMTC feels it is guaranteeing another quality and highly-respected report for our members.”
The PMTC has a Benchmarking Committee, made up of Canadian operators who review the survey annually. The Committee works on shaping and updating the survey to ensure it is reflective of the current Canadian marketplace. This input is invaluable in ensuring the survey instrument is current, relevant and valuable to Canadian fleets. This year, we have also added a short section on youth employment statistics.
The Survey is designed for the benefit of PMTC members and its results will only be provided, at no charge, with their PMTC membership. The Survey is yet another value add that will allow private fleets to benchmark their operations to other best-in class performers. A performance evaluation/validation and opportunity identification guide, based on industry standards of excellence. This free value to our members would not be possible without the support of our new Sponsor for 2020, the Ontario Truck Driving School. “We are thrilled that OTDS has chosen to partner with the PMTC and its members. This sponsorship helps to cover the costs of the report, which allows the PMTC to provide this report free to its membership,” continued Millian.
“As a Registered Private Career College, who prides ourselves on maintaining the highest education standards resulting in the best ‘in class’ entry-level drivers to the trucking industry, we at OTDS feel sponsoring a survey, that allows fleets to compare best practices and benchmark their operations to help them be best in class at what they do, was a natural fit. We are proud to help the PMTC make this resource available to its members,” stated OTDS President and CEO Gus Rahim.
The results of the Benchmarking Survey will be released on September 10, 2020, and an overview will be provided at the PMTC’s Annual Conference on September 9. Participants in the survey, who are PMTC members, will be invited to sit in on a special pre-release webcast to review the results in detail. In addition, those member companies that participate in the survey are welcome to request specialized, customized reports to better calibrate their operation against best-in-class performers.
To complete the survey, please visit http://www.pmtc.ca/cmfiles/2020pmtcbenchmarkingsurvey.pdf. Carriers will have until July 15 to complete and submit their responses. The PMTC Benchmark Study can also be found on the PMTC website at www.pmtc.ca under the ‘Publications Tab.’